I’m a self-made, talented creator passionate about helping entrepreneurs and small business owners define and reach their goals.

Through my experience managing a family operated business in Silicon Valley for over a decade, I understand the challenges of being a small business owner.

This experience gave me priceless insights into what it takes to run a business from the ground up. From inventory management to customer service – I experienced it all firsthand!

As a creator and entrepreneur, I share advice from personal experience and up-to-date information on the most impactful strategies for establishing and growing businesses.

Tanya Sarkissian, CEO, business owner, and a digital content creator.
tanya sarkissian


Digital Content Creator

My Advice for Starting and Growing a Business

Using AI to create content allows entrepreneurs and creators to generate more content with greater speed, accuracy, and quality. It can significantly reduce time-consuming tasks such as researching relevant topics and editing articles. Furthermore, AI can help automate mundane tasks like managing comments or moderating forums so that entrepreneurs have more time to focus on higher-value activities. In addition, AI can be used for accurate predictions of trends to target the right audiences at the right time with the right message. Overall, AI helps streamline processes and maximize efficiency for entrepreneurs and creators alike.

Digital marketing tools can be incredibly useful for entrepreneurs and creators looking to grow their businesses. By leveraging these tools, business owners can boost brand awareness, generate new leads, increase customer loyalty, and drive conversions. Digital marketing tools such as SEO, SEM, email campaigns, website optimization, and social media marketing provide a wide range of opportunities to target specific audiences with tailored messaging and content. Using these tools effectively can help entrepreneurs reach their goals faster and more efficiently.

To get started on your next business, ask yourself these questions:

What am I passionate about?

What skills do I have?

Here are some tips that may help you find the perfect idea for your next venture:

  1. Brainstorm: Take some time to brainstorm different ideas and consider the pros and cons of each one.
  2. Research Market Trends: It’s important to research current market trends to see what type of opportunity exists within your industry.
  3. Talk to Experts: Talk to people who are experts in your field or who have experience launching successful businesses and learn from their advice.
  4. Network: Reach out to other entrepreneurs in your industry and network with them to get some valuable insight into what works well in the business world today.
  5. Test Your Ideas: Don’t be afraid to test different concepts before committing to one. You will get an insight into what could work for your business before making any significant investments.

I use my coaching license as a framework to gain an in-depth understanding of personal transformation. To optimize my life, I leverage the resources provided by Mindvalley – an incredible learning platform designed to help cultivate essential skills and knowledge for personal growth. Additionally, I actively strive to reach higher levels of consciousness to live a more meaningful life.